In an age where diversity in storytelling is not just appreciated but necessary, ‘Kwesi and the Ogre‘ emerges as a poignant narrative set in the heart of Africa. This December 1st, readers will be invited to delve into the pages of this groundbreaking book that reflects the vibrant and dynamic life of an African child—a narrative seldom explored in American children’s literature.

Self-published by an African American author, this graphic novel is a labor of love and a testament to the power of perseverance. The journey of bringing ‘Kwesi and the Ogre’ to life was as challenging as it was rewarding, navigating the intricate process and substantial investment required to craft a graphic novel. But the vivid imagery that adorns each page doesn’t merely serve the story; it transports readers directly into the richness of African culture.

At the heart of this adventure is Kwesi, a character whose bravery and ingenuity are matched only by his compassion and sense of justice. He is complemented by a cast of characters that embody the community’s spirit, each bringing their own unique flavor to the story. The characters are reflections of real individuals, each with their own dreams, challenges, and strengths that resonate with any child, anywhere.

Inspiration for these characters was drawn from the author’s real-life encounters, notably with a spirited young boy named Alex from Konko Village. “In Alex’s eyes, I saw the spark of future leaders and the hope of entire communities. He is the true heart of Kwesi,” shares author Kenneth Braswell. It is through Alex’s lens that we experience the journey of Kwesi—one filled with mythical challenges, reflective of the real-world obstacles children face every day.

Kenneth Braswell’s profound work with Fathers Incorporated and his dedication to communities in Ghana lay the narrative foundation for ‘Kwesi and the Ogre‘. “This book is more than just a story; it’s an echo of the lives and the laughter that fill the streets of villages like Konko,” Braswell remarks. “It’s a mirror reflecting the resilience and potential of our youth.”

As readers traverse through ‘Kwesi and the Ogre,’ they will uncover themes of bravery, the pursuit of knowledge, and the power of unity. “Every child who reads this book is seeing a reflection of their ability to overcome and to lead,” Braswell states. “Kwesi is not just a character; he’s an emblem of hope.”

This story is a clarion call to young readers to find the hero within, to recognize the strength in their heritage, and to step up as change-makers in their own right. Through Kwesi’s journey, they learn that the smallest person can change the course of the future.

So, let us gather around the warmth of ‘Kwesi and the Ogre’ and bask in its wisdom. As Braswell aptly puts it, “These pages are more than just words and pictures; they are a conversation with the next generation about who they can dare to be.”

Prepare to be inspired, enlightened, and entertained by ‘Kwesi and the Ogre’. Let this book be a bridge for children across the world to connect with stories that celebrate their strength and spirit.


About Kenneth Braswell

Kenneth Braswell is an acclaimed author and a tireless advocate for responsible fatherhood. His powerful words are not only woven into engaging narratives, but also offer transformative insights into parenthood and family relationships. From the empowering “Fearless Hearts: A Collection of Fatherly Affirmations for Young Black Queens,” to the insightful “Strength of the Father: Affirmations For Black Dads,” and to the poignant “Daddy, Can I Cry?,” his books deeply explore diverse facets of fatherhood. His works resonate with readers, inspiring them through compelling storytelling and practical wisdom. Braswell’s unique voice in literature makes him an essential figure in both the Black community and the broader literary landscape.

Posted by Fathers Incorporated

Fathers Incorporated (FI) is a national, non-profit organization working to build stronger families and communities through the promotion of Responsible Fatherhood. Established in 2004, FI has a unique seat at the national table, working with leaders in the White House, Congress, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Family Law, and the Responsible Fatherhood Movement. FI works collaboratively with organizations around the country to identify and advocate for social and legislative changes that lead to healthy father involvement with children, regardless of the father’s marital or economic status, or geographic location. From employment and incarceration issues, to child support and domestic violence, FI addresses long-standing problems to achieve long-term results for children, their families, the communities, and nation in which they live.

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