Tag: featured

Celebrating Second Chances and Embracing New Beginnings with Fathers Incorporated

In the spirit of Second Chance Month, we want to acknowledge the graduates of our Gentle Warriors Academy. These dedicated fathers have come to understand the crucial role they play in the lives of their children, even after making mistakes.

Mastering Co-Parenting Communication: Introducing “Dad’s Co-Parenting Compass”

“Dad’s Co-Parenting Compass” is specifically designed to empower fathers in their co-parenting journey, providing them with essential tools and resources to overcome communication barriers and work together with their co-parents.

Fathers Incorporated’s Response to NAFSCE’s Healing the Growing Divide

Fathers Incorporated (FI) commends the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) for its recent statement on healing the growing divide through equitable family, school, and community partnerships.

Exploring the History, Importance and Relevance of Fatherhood on Television

Fatherhood is a crucial aspect of human life, and it has been depicted on television for decades. The representation of fatherhood on television has evolved over time, reflecting changing social norms and values.

Understanding Fatherhood and the Ideation of Suicide

Suicide is a serious and complex issue that affects many individuals and families worldwide. Fatherhood, being a role that comes with immense responsibilities and pressures, can also contribute to mental health challenges and suicidal ideation.

The Impact of Shame and Guilt on Father Absence

Father absence has become a growing concern in our society. With research suggesting that children growing up without fathers are more likely to experience negative outcomes such as behavioral problems, poor academic performance, and increased risk of substance abuse and mental health issues.